I received my first lessons in the programming in year 1986-1987 as a schoolboy. The first own programms were written on Basic on a 8 Bit computers and were able to draw and move geometrical figures for simple games and to create computer music, playing “Pour Elise”.
During the university time I developed a programm on Turbo Pascal for calculation of kinematics and dynamics of gearing mechanisms for my study project, which were widely used from study colleagues.
The final thesis of the engineering study (1996) was based on own developed software for simulation of the forming of the winding of sliver in canes in the spinning factories. With 386 PC with 4 MB RAM, 40 MHz were simulated large set of variation of the parameters of the winding mechanism and the optimal settings were found.
Several chapters of my PhD thesis are based on own developed simulation software – simulation of bobbin winding based on discrete models, modelling of the stress-strain behaviour of the wound packages, based on implemented finite difference procedure, density distribution of the wound packages etc.
Since 2000 I am working as freelancer in the area of the software development and consulting and later between 2007-2011 the consultancy and engineering services were offered in the context of “Ingenieurberatung Dr. Kyosev” .
In order to answer to the increasing requests of consulting services and software products, in August 2011 I founded TexMind UG (limited liability).
The founder of TexMind UG (limited liability), Prof. Dr. Kyosev